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Skop PKSR 1 Tahun 2

2017年二年级评审 (PKSR 1)
华语理解:   课文:单元一至单元八 17.4.2017
 数笔画、补笔画、 标点符号、同音字、
1.  完成图表
2.  看图写话
3.  写话
数学 试卷一、试卷二 20.4.17
课本 : (pg 1 - pg 44)
活动本:(pg 1- pg 38)
校本评估作业 :(pg 1 - pg 12)
Paper 1 (Textbook and Grammar Unit 1 - 5) 19-4-17
Section A - Objective questions (20 marks)
Section B - Subjective questions (30 marks)
eg. 1) Based on the given pictures, give the correct answers in full sentences.
2) Tick the correct answer.
3) Answer the questions.
4) Joins the answers.
Paper 2  7-4-2017
Section A - information transfer
Section B - Study an information and answer the question in the spaces provided
Section C -   Q1 rearrange a story
                     Q2 correct mistakes
Bahasa Malaysia 18.4.17
Kertas 1(Unit1 -10)
*UPSR format
*Jumlah Soalan
                 Bahagian A:20
                 Bahagian B:7

Kertas 2 (Unit1 -9)6.4.17
Bahagian A: Isi tempat kosong berdasarkan gambar.
Bahagian B: Susun urutan ayat berdasarkan gambar.
Bahagian C: Lengkapkan ayat.
Bahagian D: Ayat Majmuk.
Bahagian E: Susun perkataan menjadi ayat.
Bahagian F : Bina ayat.
科学  试卷一、试卷二 21 / 4 / 2017
课本pg1 - pg 49
活动本pg1 - pg30
PPPM评估 pg1 - pg 13;pg25 - pg30
进修班BM    6/4/2017
Unit 1- Unit 10
Pemahaman, Kata Ganti Nama Diri, Susun Ayat ikut urutan gambar, Kata Tanya, Kata kerja, Kata Hubung, simpulan bahasa, lengkapkan ayat berdasarkan gambar
进修班BI      7/4/2017
Unit 1-Unit 4
1. Fill in the blanks based on the map given.
2. Rearrange the letters.
3. Answer the questions based on the book cover.
4. Choose the correct words